Documentation from 26 and 27 February 2024
Thank you for your participation and your contribution to a successful congress for a greener future! You can download the complete documentation of the event at this link.
Here you can find the presentations of the speakers:
Dr. Björn Ahaus: City of Essen, Green Capital Agency, Project Management Be‐MoVe
Be‐MoVe Project Presentation
Wolfgang Aichinger: Project Manager Urban Mobility, AGORA Verkehrswende
Communicating traffic transition measures: Conveying the added value
Axel Biermann: Managing Director, Ruhr Tourismus GmbH
ExtraSchicht and its mobility concept: impetus for the mobility turnaround in the Ruhr Metropolis?
Niklas Börger: Managing Director, Rhine‐Ruhr 2025 FISU Games gGmbH
Organising Mobility for FISU World University Games
Uni‐Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel: Department for general business economics and mobility, University Duisburg‐Essen
Strali: steps towards Essen’s individualised mobility concept
Juan Carlos Escudero-Achiaga: Head of Mobility and Data Science Unit, CEA‐Vitoria‐Gasteiz City Council, Spain (European Green Capital 2012)
Vitoria-Gasteiz; From car‐centric to nature and people‐centric public spaces. Towards a human scale city
Estelle Fritz: core team of Gemeinsam für Stadtwandel (Together for Urban Change) and co‐initiator of the Green Lungs for Essen alliance
Garden of children’s rights on the Burgplatz in Essen
Dr. Carsten Gerhardt: Chairman Wuppertalbewegung e. V., (Wuppertal Movement)
Northern Railway trail Wuppertal: a citizen’s project as a milestone for the promotion of cycling mobility
Prof. Dr. Christian Holz-Rau: until 2022 Head of the Chair of Transport Engineering and Transport Planning, Faculty of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University
Municipal traffic planning and climate protection: possibilities and limits
Simon Knur: Board of Directors Initiative for Sustainability e.V., implementation E.Rika /Essener‐
E.Rika The e‐rickshaw for Essen
Dr. Klaus Kordowski: Be‐MoVe Project Team “Open Bardelebenstraße”
Open Bardelebenstraße: Safe ways to school in Holsterhausen
Stefan Kuczera: Deputy Planning, Ruhr Regional Association
Stimulating mobility through large regional formats
Mika Kulmala: Project Manager, City of Tampere, Finland
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan ‐ Targets and actions in Tampere
Simon Labouret: Project Director / Public Space Development Mission, Grenoble, France (European Green Capital 2022)
Reorganising Streets for Mobility Transition in Grenoble
Matthias Mühlen: Head of Sustainability / CSR, VfL Bochum 1848 GmbH & Co. KGaA
Opportunity and challenge: mobility in the context of professional soccer
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Noll: Chairman of the Zollverein Foundation
Welcome Speech / Future location with history
Katja Ojala: Project Lead, EU Mission city pilot in Lahti, Finland (European Green Capital 2021)
Systemic change towards sustainable commuting in Lahti
Wolfgang Packmohr: PD a.D., Federal Executive Board Fuss e.V., Executive Board DVR, Lecturer at HSPV NRW
CityOase Kopstadtplatz – a place for people
Cornelia Perthes, Greta Schulte-Eversum, Markus Schürmann: Residents of Essen‐Holsterhausen
Gemarkenplatz – Fit For Future! ‐ Dreary today & colourful tomorrow
Piotr Rapacz: policy officer/coordinator, European Commission, DG Environment, unit Unit C.3 – Clean Air & Urban Policy
Importance of sustainable urban mobility in greening the cities
Simone Raskob: Vice Mayor of the City of Essen for Environmental Affairs, Traffic and Sport
Thematic Introduction: Dimension of the challenge
Trude Rauken: Senior Advisor International Climate Collaboration, City of Oslo, Norway
Achieving Zero Emission Mobility and Transport by 2030 ‐ the case of Oslo
Thomas Rüth: Head of Department for Outpatient Youth Welfare, Crime Prevention & Neighbourhood Development, Caritas‐SkF‐Essen gGmbH
Place of Youth Culture
Harriët Tiemens: Director, Green Metropolitan Region Arnhem‐Nijmegen, The Netherlands (European Green Capital 2018)
Green Metropolitan Region Arnhem‐ Nijmegen: The Freedom of Cycling
Filip Watteeuw: First Deputy Mayor, City of Ghent, Belgium
It’s all about space. And about cars.
The event series
In the spirit of the Essen Declaration and following on from the 2017 congress ‘European Future Formats: Results, modes of action and commonalities – using the example of the Ruhr metropolis’, the event series “Future formats of the region” aims to address the tasks of the 21st century and the question of how we can respond to these with transformation and urban development processes.
Documentation of the ‘Future formats of the region’ congress 2022 (English)
Documentation of the ‘Future formats of the region’ congress 2019 (German)
Documentation of the ‘European Future Formats’ congress 2017 (English)
The Essen Declaration from 2017
Further information on the 2019 congress